Monday, December 04, 2006

Hey everyone,

Thought I should up-date this again. I am going to try and add some photos in this one as long as the internet doesn't crash!

Not too much to report from this last week. It has been quite a quiet week due to the heat. On Thursday and Friday it reached 46-47 degrees. The kind of temperatures that you just want to jump in a cold shower. The problem with that is, out here all the water are stored in tanks outside and so when it is this hot, cold water does not exist. Hot water even comes out the cold tap! So the only way to cool down has been to go swimming which has been great.

I can't remember if I mentioned but Chris is divorced from his wife and this week there is a court case about custody of Sarah. Sarah wants to stay with here with Chris but her mother wants her to live with her. So the past week has mainly been spent typing up letters to Chris' solicitors in preparation for this week. I feel sorry for Sarah as she has had to attend a number of child representative interviews and the case has been dragged out for a number of months. But fingers crossed it should all go her way and it should all be finished by the end of this week.

On Friday Sarah had a school trip to Longreach to go to he Stockmans Hall of Fame and the Longreach swimming pool. This was great news to me as Chris was planning to go in shopping and so it meant I could go with him as we could pick up Sarah there. We left at 8am after dropping Sarah off at school. I spent 2 hours shopping with the main aim of finding nice christmas cards and a bikini. Unfortunatly I had no luck in either. Please forgive me for the lack of Christmas cards being sent but they really were rubbish! I did however buy two nice strappy tops so that cheered me up!

After my shopping I met up with Chris again and we went and picked up Tom. He was supposed to be going camping this weekend but he cut his hand when trying to catch a pig and college and had to get 7 stiches in it. Therefore no camping for Tom. He decided he may as well come home as there would be nothing else to do at college as he graduates on Wed and we are going in for that anyway. I was quite relieved with this as it means I don't have to worry about the farm when Chris is away as Tom is seeing to all of that. We then went to meet Sarah at the pool and I was going to stay with her and swim for an hour. However, after I swam my first length I got informed that the school had to lock the gate behind them and so we had to leave straight away. :( At least I got a quick dip to cool down. We went back to the main street in town and met up with Chris. Tom was in the pub with two boys from college, Donk and Truckie, so I joined them for a drink. It was interesting meeting other agri students and they live up to the same name as the agri boys from home........plenty of drinking going on! The only difference is that out here the boys like their horses. Not at all like the agri boys from home who would rather every horse was in the freezer! They were trying to get me to stay in Longreach for the weekend as it was the last day of the races for the season in Longreach and there was to be a big party at night but I declined the offer. Wasn't so sure about going out with them by myself!! When we came back to Jundah we went to the pub for tea.

On Friday night, when we were sleeping outside, I was woken by a really loud rumble of thunder! We got a bit excited that there might be some rain but after a few flashes and a few rumbles, I only felt 2 drops of rain! I wasn't so sure about being outside during a storm and headed inside but as soon as I made my bed up inside, the storm finished - with no more rain! I should have stayed outside as it was too hot inside!

Saturday was a lazy day really. We went swimming twice and I spent the rest of the day reading. As I have not read the Lord of the Rings books I have started them here, so they are keeping me entertained during the day! As we left the pool on saturday at about 5pm, there was a storm approaching. On the drive home we found it to be a sand storm which was interesting for driving in but we made it home safely and ran to the house before our eyes filled with sand!

Here is a photo of the house I am staying in and their garden - the greenest part of the farm! The big tank on the left is one of the water tanks!

For some reason my other photos are not showing up on here even though the computer tells me that they have been uploaded!

Oh well, will try again later. Bye for now.



At 8:32 am , Blogger murray said...

haha, lord of the rings is classic gap year reading! i bought my copy in edinburgh airport en route to norway, and dave says on his blog he is reading it now too!



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