Whitewater Rafting
I arrived in Cairns on Sunday evening to some dry weather and an amazing Hostel, Gilligan's. It is like a hotel!!
On Monday I got picked up bright and early to go whitewater rafting on the river Tully. When I got on the bus though I thought it was the wrong one. It was full of Japanese people and all the girls had their little mirrors and make-up kits out and were putting on their make-up!! Not one of them could speak English, I started to wonder if they realised what they were letting themselves in for!! Anyway, we then met another bus and thankfully there were some English speaking people on it!! On the bus on the way to the river we were shown a video on safety. When I saw what kind of rapids I was letting myself in for, the nerves started to arrive. Once on the river though I had a great time. It was a brilliant day. It did rain nearly much all day but we were wet anyway so that didn't really matter.

Yesterday I got to know Cairns a bit more by wandering around the shops. I also handed my CV into a few places as I might try and work here for a month. I am not going to do the outback work now as there does not seem to be many suitable jobs going about. In the afternoon I relaxed next to the pool and managed to top my tan up. Haven't been able to do that for a few weeks now! I met 2 lovely girls, Hannah and Clair and we went out for a Chinese meal last night. Hannah is planning to do the same trip as me from here to Adelaide via Uluru and is leaving a week on Sat so I might join her and head to Melbourne to work instead. As you can see I am having another of my weeks where I can't decide what to do!!
Meeting up with Richard here on Friday and going to be doing Cape Tribulation together so looking forward to that.
Speak to you all soon,