The Bottom Bus - Denedin to Invercargill
On Friday 11th May we left Dunedin and headed to Invercargill via the Catilans. Our first stop was at Kata Point where we stopped at the local pub for a snack. We then drove a short distance along the coast to Nugget Point. Here we went for a short walk to the lighthouse where we watched some seals on the rocks! 
We then headed further along the coast to go looking for sea lions. We saw one in Cannibal Bay and 3 on Surat beach.
It was quite windy on Surat Beach but the sand looked quite cool the way it was being blown!
Our lunch stop was at a cafe in Owaka and I had a lovely blue cod burger. It was huge but I love the fish over here!! After lunch we stopped at Purakaunui Falls, a lovely stepped waterfall.
We then went onto Florence Hill Lookout to get a lovely view of the coast.
Our final stop of the day was Curio Bay, the furthest South point on South Island. Here we saw a fossilised forest. There were tree trunks in the rocks from when a volcano had erupted and the lava fossilised the forest. We also went looking for yellow eyed penguins but only saw one before the rain came!
We then headed onto Invercargill and stayed at Tuatara Lodge YHA. We ended up watching The Ring in the evening, so as you can probably guess, I got quite scared!!
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